Thank You

I just want to take a moment to be grateful for our heroes.

To those of you in the Armed Forces the words “thank you” can never be enough. You who fight for our freedoms and safety, you who battle destruction and evil first-hand, you who fight ugly battles that most of us  couldn’t dream of and come home scarred but not beaten. I am so proud of you. Be safe.

Thank you also goes to our heroes here at home–the first responders in emergencies, the police, the firefighters, the EMTs, the doctors, the nurses, and those bystanders who rush in to help instead of running out of harm’s way. You put yourselves on the line to save lives while sometimes losing bits and pieces of your own. What would we do without you?

And thank you to the families of these great heroes who give up so much to save us all. Let us never forget.

If I could hug each and everyone of you I would.